December 16, 2006

the waiting game

when in like the other way...hmm that method has not worked for me in the past, but neither has being obvious. Where is the happy medium? You know they tell you a girl should not be the instigator...but what if the guy has no clue. Why would he make a move if you gave him no signs? Yeesh. I am so tired of this stuff. It drives me bonkers and frankly at the end of the day it leaves me a little grouchy.

So girls I guess what I am trying to say is become Nancy Drew.
Dumb advice i know but come on people its 2am and I am sleepy...and maybe l little saracastic.

Okay enough of the Nancy humor. (or lack of humor)

I feel like my single life has put me in limbo. Otherwise known as the waiting game. I am content being single yes...but that does not mean I am not waiting (or should I saying wanting-and by wanting I mean on specific person). Contentment does not mean you do not desire something differnet. I am feeling the low point of my singleness at this very moment. Frustrated you could say. I think I forgot how to be desirable.

So I guess the next step is to figure out how to show a guy you like him, without being overwelming. Hahaha. I'm sure I'll figure that out sometime soon. and to get the confidence going....anyways farwell and goodnight.

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