When you go ice skating and you dont own skates what do you do? Well the obvious answer is rent them. The next question is where and people never need to ask this one because where else would you rent them, than the skating rink. Well in Winnipeg I discovered you rent skates at the Donut shop....Yup you heard me right. The donut shop! So many things ahppen in this city that are unusual. Like one day I was at the Skate Park and there was a Jazz Band playing and my friend and I walked by some cops in a cop car and they were yelling over the megaphone, "Turn up the volume!" ...my friend and I laughed so hard....
anyways this night was so memorable because two of my very good friends from my old college were here with me. We went to Bucaccinos for pizza and then skating at the forks. When we were skating it started to snow and it was beautiful. I stopped and just looked up at it falling all around. It felt so good, like it was meant just for me. I was mesmerized in the moment. It was so good for me to be with these friends who my heart so well. Friendship with them is so natural which is so important to have. I am often very blessed by them. I can't wait to see them again.
cheers for good friends and pretty snow flakes, mini donuts and iceskates.
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