on a swealtering day in harlem
my fan would blast and I would drink my tea hot.
on a freezing day in winnipeg
my heater would blow and i would drink my tea hot.
on a rainy day in abbotsford
my windows would close and I would drink my tea hot.
on a gloomy day in nanaimo
my lights would shine and I would drink my tea hot.
on any day in victoria
things will happen and I will still drink my tea hot.
Harlem? I am sorry that you did not blog more about your time there. One of my dreams is to live in New York one day.
did you have my other blog? sherriinnyc.blogspot.com ...
you should ivan it is well worth your time. It's the most amazing place I have even lived and I can't wait to go back.
No, but I have it now. Thanks!
Edinburgh -- the city I am living in right now -- is the most amazing place I have ever lived. We should trade houses sometime (once I get a house) so we can experience each other's favorite world.
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