October 16, 2007

settling in

Everyday this week I have woken up with new ideas, new dreams to add to the old ones. Yet all I do is sit, stare at my computer screen waiting for msn to tell me I have a new email. My inspiration has been in meltdown. Though I suppose with so much transition in the last 6 months I have been feeling a little lost and a little tired.
Finally yesterday I went for a walk and felt that fire of inspiration dabble in my heart once again as I perused through the local art supply store and wandered the quaint little street it fell upon. In those moments I smiled because this street in its rough eloquence provided me with a familiar feeling. The months I spent in NY were often in awe of the splendor around me from the architecture, the art, the creation and of course its people. I was doing it here, looking around in my new home, only this time it didn't cause a creak in my neck.

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