February 8, 2009

Proverbs 3 (Contemporary English Version)

1My child, remember

my teachings and instructions

and obey them completely.

2They will help you live

a long and prosperous life.

3Let love and loyalty

always show like a necklace,

and write them in your mind.

4God and people will like you

and consider you a success.

5With all your heart

you must trust the LORD

and not your own judgment.

6Always let him lead you,

and he will clear the road

for you to follow.

7Don't ever think that you

are wise enough,

but respect the LORD

and stay away from evil.

8This will make you healthy,

and you will feel strong.

9Honor the LORD by giving him

your money

and the first part

of all your crops.

10Then you will have

more grain and grapes

than you will ever need.

11My child, don't turn away

or become bitter

when the LORD corrects you.

12The LORD corrects

everyone he loves,

just as parents correct

their favorite child.

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