April 15, 2009

my soundtrack

I was talking to my old pastor the other day and I was telling him, how when I walk through the tunnels underground from one train to another, I listen to my IPOD really loud and as I am walking I feel like I am in my own soundtrack. Everything feels abnormal, people are walking in a fast pace: muti-tasking (ipod, iphone, texting, talking etc.), and they are walking all sorts of directions and somehow nobody seems to run into one another. It's like this weird game and everyone knows the rules, everyone plays fair. Somehow we all get to the turnstile or the platform in one piece. As the music plays, I can be anyone, completely anonymous. It's a totally surreal experience.

After this conversation, Dave asked me what my soundtrack would be. Thrown off guard I came up with The Gilmore Girls, but today I was thinking about my favorite movie and why its my favorite movie. I think there is something so cool about being able to express yourself without words. To know and to connect with people and God in such an intense way. And I realized that perhaps photography is my soundtrack in the same way August has music. Perhaps it allows me to see, allows me to open up my heart in a more profound way.

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