Once again(amazing music artist), A Fine Frenzy has inspired me, her lyrics have aroused hope, have played a part in healing. I once loved, and then I lost. For so long I held on and life was a whirl wind of pain and excitement. I hoped, I held on, I let go and the vicious cycle, it continued to go round. It doesn't matter who it was, or when it was. It just matters that I am happy, content and excited to chase my dreams. To run into the sunset with a smile so wide there is no room for the pains of my past to hold me back. Life is beautiful and sometimes we hold on to things, that hold us down.

I once talked to a friend who met this boy. They fell hard for each other and there was hope for marriage. For years he had loved another and once he started to let it go, this other came back with an offering so small, it was just a taste - even so, he picked that apple. The decsion cost him this fabulous new love, a woman who would give everything. This sad story, it's about his loss - its a lesson, to live because the boy, he lost. He was habitually addicted to this girl he had wanted for so long. So fixated, that when something better, someone who wanted him completely he could not see it. The pure rare beauty, was lost to him. He had become blind to all that could be. He allowed himself to be smothered by the past. Therefore he had no present to live in, no future to seek. He choose the past; not to live. The saddest part is: once in awhile he thinks of her, and he hangs his head low, in in the back of his mind, he knows.

1 comment:
Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...
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