I have been such an absent friend these past couple months as I have been planning and traveling, overworking, and over-stressing my exhausted self. I am finally on the plane (to my parents) and I am relaxing and remembering there are many emails/blogs I need/want to write. So it’s (happily) catch up. I have learned many things this year as I have been preparing to go east. I have learned how amazing my friends, my peers and even random strangers are, how much I cherish them. I don't think I would be on the plane right now, if my BC friends were non-existent. They saved me in so many ways. Through cups of tea and coffee, there was wisdom; through donations of time and suitcases there is gratefulness and the ability to spend less, thus saving more. Through random twenties shoved my way and people telling me to keep the change, through booksellers who simply took my books through all of that, because of all of them - I have boarded my plane. I am one step closer to one dream and thanks to my most recent roommate I am also another step closer to Paris. Those who know me well, know I dream of Paris - I am inspired by bridges, buildings, and amazing structure: the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel tower and the Golden Gate Bridge. In life we dream, we live to dream, we dream to live; let us live our dreams.

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