January 15, 2009

Reflections: Day 2: Hour 5

When I think about the times in my life where I have felt the breath of God's wisdom it has never been food related. It has always been outside in nature, through exercise, through conversations with good friends and through things I have seen or watched. 6 years ago I took a class called spiritual formation. It was the first time I had been introduced to fasting. During this course we had been assigned to fast from something in our life, and use that extra time to seek out God. During that time I choose to fast from TV. I specifically did not choose food because I knew that at that point in my life i could not handle it, since I have always been opposed to food fasting. I think this time I wanted it to be different, I wanted to seek out something deep, intense. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I am ending the food part of my fast today. When I don't eat I feel sad, lonely, and insecure. I have always been this way if even I have forgotten only to eat lunch. Since I have not eaten since Tuesday night (with the exception of a little bit of fruit and yogurt) I have also been so tired that I keep falling asleep, thus preventing from focusing, which is the primary reason of my fast.

I don't regret doing this, I think that getting to such a vulnerable place once in awhile, is good, healthy. Acknowledging things in our life that we otherwise wouldn't, also good.

So I have decided on something different because I am really excited about seeking a more meaningful relationship with God. I am excited to be in this stage of my life to know that I am embarking on a new journey, a journey that has great potential to guide me, to heal me and to take me a deeper richer place in my life, my relationships - If only I am open to it, if only I let God take the reign.

So I am going to the places where I have heard God's voice, where I feel calm and I am putting boundaries on the things in my life that I know take away from my journey and I am excited. A friend once told me that quiet time with God is not always sitting reading the word, its not always praying. She said "Sherri what you do with your camera, that's your time with God" I am going back to that, and when I am not taking photographs, I am going to go to the water to breathe and pray, I am going to go skating and I am going to run in central park and I am going to take my Bible and my journal and ride the subway. I am going to drink tea with friends and roam the city. That is the beginning, that is what focused Sherri looks like. In the midst of moving and transition - I forgot.

I thank you for listening, for praying. I would love it if you continued to pray

...Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Prov 3:5,6

with love and gratefulness,

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