January 16, 2009

Reflections: It's a whole new day :)

Today was a good day, a happy day. I love how good conversations with friends can warm your heart. I went to Costco tonight, in the the Bronx with my roommate and her good friend from college. I wandered around, almost aimless. It was surreal, because the layout was identical to the one in my hometown. For a second, I was there and it felt really good. Sometimes when I am homesick, I go to the gap. I do it because it smells the same, the product and lighting is the same. It feels good, to feel home, if only for a moment.

1 comment:

Jessica Dos Santos said...

Hey hun! It sounds like you are doing alright...... yeah? It seems like the fast served its purpose even if you were starving you sound like you sorted some things out. I hope you are well!
love ya.