February 15, 2010

What would you do if your income knew no limits?

I was asked that question recently. And, it was a question, I didn't need to pause to think for. But now, days later, I want to pause and revel in my imagination and dream my answer into all its possibilities - oh I love possibility! My answer gives me goose bumps, its makes me excited for the future. Excited to think, it could happen, one day, even without funds with no limits. My answer: travel the world, explore the vast array of cultures. Immerse myself in other ways of life. Take photograph after photograph, write stories, journal, blog - live it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that the things you list that you would do with unlimited income are almost all things you can do right now, income as is (photography, writing, even cultural exploration, as you live in one of the biggest multicultural cities in canada). it makes me happy that you didn't say things like "buy a mansion, go on vacation after vacation" (cultural exploration is different than vacation i think). it says to me that you are happy with life, the things you are doing now are the things you might have more freedom or time for if you had more income, but you would still be you.

at least that is how i read this post. i vote for more sherri blog updating! i miss you and get a little excited each time there is something new on here.