I found a place in the Vancouver area in a city that is comparable to what Queens is to Manhattan. Burnaby, it is called. Changes are good. I never imagined living in the place, which holds Canada’s second largest shopping mall. But, if you saw my place and met my wonderful new housemates, I think you would be equally excited for what is to come.
Finally after 9 months, I bid farewell to New York City… yes, I know what you are thinking, - how sad is it, that this bidding took so long - Ah, I tell you, it’s not sad at all. It was a process, a trip of self-discovery. I think I would call these 9 months, the wandering months.
Home. It’s something that means something to me - recently, I went through a break up and my friend Jenae decided to make me a break up kit; part of the kit contained a CD of some of her favorite melodies and lyrics, unintentionally, most of the songs she found for me, referenced the idea of home. I am an adaptable person I can be at home, anywhere. Still, there is that idea of being in a place – where roots are planted, where life is affirmed, where successes are made and family is born. It’s a place you hang your hat, where the bed is yours, not borrowed. I crave that place. This week, I moved into my new house and I bought a dresser. It’s pretty and white; I have been eying it for a while. It feels almost symbolic of what’s to come. Many times this week I have sat on my (borrowed) bed – stared at my dresser and smiled. Almost as if there is a secret inside of me, but it’s not a secret…it’s so much more. All my traveling, my moving – it brought me here. I never thought I’d plant roots on the lower mainland. I never imagined the greater Vancouver area, being home. I never bothered to consider it would be a job that would make me still. I agonized over where to live, for so long. I see now, all my reasons, to move or live in each place, I have encountered in the past few years, were like stepping-stones. To get from a to c I had to trek through b.
PS. Soon, I'll buy a bed.
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