awkward |ˈôkwərd| adjective 1 causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with : one of the most awkward jobs is painting a ceiling | some awkward questions | the wheelbarrow can be awkward to maneuver. • deliberately unreasonable or uncooperative : you're being damned awkward! | please excuse my daughter—she's at an awkward age. 2 causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience : he had put her in a very awkward situation. 3 not smooth or graceful; ungainly : Luther's awkward movements impeded his progress | she was long-legged and rather awkward. • uncomfortable or abnormal : make sure the baby isn't sleeping in an awkward position.
I think daily I have an experiance of awkwardness. My new mission is to find a way to never be awkward again. Dang. Sometimes I do things to try and get out of it...
10 ways to get out of an awkward situation
1. Run..Fast
2. Pretend your sleeping
3. act smart even if your not. always have a fallback conversation
4. cry
5. burp or fart really loud...this may be awkward as well but likely not as bad as current situation
6. get distracted
7. change subject
8. make a joke out of the situation....keep in mind this has to be done well to work
9. move to another country
10. distract your audience...do whatever it takes
Disclaimer: do not do this at home and never without parental guidance
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