June 10, 2011

Happy Walls

Finally, I have a home. In 27 days, I will be married. My finance and I found an amazing condo right close to a skytrain station in Greater Vancouver. Perfect. Now I can easily get to my Vancouver friends, in the Winter months - skate in Robson Square and in the summer months, enjoy the parks and splendor that the west coast has to offer. I moved in two weeks ago and Jason will follow suit, right after our honeymoon! Almost a year ago, I sat in my seat on a plane home from NYC - from one of the most beautiful weddings, I had ever attended. A couple with such intense, yet beautiful joy. A couple who beat the odds - a couple so dedicated to their faith, each other and social justice - I road that plane ride home - inspired. Ready to find my own better half. One who make me smile, like my friend made his bride. The bride, an old NYC housemate - was radiant. I cannot wait to be radiant for my groom. I also can't believe it was a couple days after that plane ride - that love fell into my lap.

1 comment:

Peachblossom said...

that sounds so amazing hearing you talk about your pending marriage at the time. i love hearing things you write its very soft and dreamy and i love it. i didnt know you were moving to van thats great